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NO. 714
Provides cost effective "peel and
stick" protection for structures from moisture migration.
SEALTIGHT MEL-ROL Waterproofing System is a roll-type membrane designed to
provide cost-effective, quick and easy-to-apply waterproofing protection against
damaging moisture migration and the infiltration of free water.
Technical Description
SEALTIGHT MEL-ROL Waterproofing System is a flexible, versatile,
dependable, roll-type waterproofing membrane. It is composed of a nominally 56
mil thick layer of polymeric waterproofing membrane on a heavy-duty, 4 mil
thick, cross-laminated polyethylene carrier film. The two components are
laminated together under strict quality-controlled production procedures.
A handy overlap guideline is printed 2-1/2" (63.5mm) in from the material
edge on each side to assure proper overlap coverage and assist in maintaining a
straight application. Special, exposed polymeric membrane strips are provided on
both sides for positive membrane-to-membrane adhesion in the overlap area. The
membrane strips are protected by a pull-off release strip.
All components of the MEL-ROL Waterproofing System including the SEALTIGHT
MEL-PRIME Primer, SEALTIGHT Pointing Mastic, SEALTIGHT Detail Strips and MEL-ROL
Membrane work together to provide a cost-effective, positive waterproofing
system that's quick and easy-to-apply.
SEALTIGHT MEL-ROL Waterproofing System provides a cost-effective
answer to properly waterproof foundations, vertical walls and below-grade floors
in residential and commercial construction.
It is equally effective for use as a between-the-slab waterproofing on plaza
decks, parking decks and structural slabs. Use it as a waterproofing membrane to
isolate mechanical and electronic rooms, laboratories, kitchens and bathrooms.
MEL-ROL offers positive protection when "wrapped around" major rapid
transit, vehicular, utility and pedestrian tunnel projects.
Installation of SEALTIGHT Protection Course is recommended before backfilling.
It can also be used with drainage boards when specified.
OSHA-approved excavation wall shoring has been removed for the unobstructed
purposes of photographic illustration of product application. NOTE: Please
follow all OSHA regulations for proper personnel protection involving
MEL-ROL combines positive waterproofing protection with ease of handling
Advantages and Benefits
 | Provides a cost-effective, flexible, versatile,
dependable, positive waterproofing protection against damaging moisture
migration and the infiltration of free water
 | Offers a quick and easy-to-apply system for maximum
 | Special membrane-to-membrane adhesion provides
additional overlap security
 | Meets or exceeds the test requirements of all currently
applicable specifications
 | Components work together for positive waterproofing
 | Handles with ease on the jobsite
 | The product will help meet and maintain the maximum
slab moisture transfer rate of 3 lbs./1000 sq. ft./24 hours required by the
flooring industry specifications. |
| | | | | |
Properties and Characteristics
– Carrier Film |
White |
Polymeric Membrane |
Black |
– Carrier Film |
4 mils |
Polymeric Membrane |
56 mils |
Tensile Strength
– Carrier Film |
5,900 psi
min. (40.71MPa) |
ASTM D 412
(Die C) |
Polymeric Membrane |
590 psi
min. (4.07MPa) |
Elongation –
Polymeric Membrane |
455% min. |
ASTM D 412
(Die C) |
Peel Adhesion
– Dry |
7-11 lb./in.
(125-196 g/mm) width, min. |
Footnote ¹ |
Peel Adhesion
– Wet |
7-12 lb./in.
(125-214 g/mm) width, min. |
– 180º Bend, 1" (25.4mm) Mandrel @ -25ºF (-32ºC) |
(5.72/10g/Pa•S•M²) |
ASTM D 146 |
Water Vapor
Transmission |
.05 gr./sq.ft./hr. |
(Method B) |
Absorption |
0.1%, 72 hrs.
max. |
ASTM D 570 (M) |
Resistance to
Hydrostatic Head |
Equiv. to 150
ft. (45.72m) of water |
Footnote ² |
Resistance |
67 lbs. |
ASTM E154 |
Exposure to
Fungi |
Pass, 16 weeks |
Soil Test |
¹ 90%
peel after 7 days at 70ºF (-21ºC) plus 7 days at 120ºF (49ºC) plus 7
days at 70ºF (-21ºC) (Dry) (Wet). |
² Membrane
placed over a porous base in a test cell and edges sealed. Water was
placed over test specimen. Cell fastened and sealed and placed under 65
psi (.45 Mpa) (approx. 150 foot (45.72m) water head) pressure for 24
hours. Test specimen did not show any water to permeate the membrane. |
Application Tools

Knife |

Caulking Gun |

Paint Roller |

Roller |

Manual Sprayer |
cartons on pallets and cover if left outside. Keep materials away from sparks
and flames. Store where temperature will not exceed 90ºF (32ºC) for extended
periods of time.
SURFACE PREPARATION: Concrete should be cured at least 72 hours, be clean, dry,
smooth and free of voids. Repair spalled areas; fill all voids and remove all
sharp protrusions.
TEMPERATURE: Apply in dry, fair weather when the air and surface temperatures
are above 25ºF (-4ºC). Do not apply to frozen concrete.
PRIME: Prior to application, prime all surfaces to be covered in one working day
with applicable MEL-PRIME Primer. Uncovered, primed surfaces must be reprimed
the next day. Follow all instructions and precautions shown on primer
FOOTING DETAILS: Use SEALTIGHT Detail Strips for impaction sheet coverage.
First, fold strips lengthwise and then cut at the fold. Material is then ready
to install as 4-1/2" (114.3mm) strips on either side of the rebar. Any
excess can be turned down the face of the footing. Next, fill the void around
rebars in the keyway with SEALTIGHT Catalytic Bonding Asphalt. Pour the walls.
Install a SEALTIGHT Detail Strip horizontally along the wall where it meets the
footing, placing half the material up the wall and the other half onto the
footing. Extend the material 4-1/2" (114.3mm) beyond outside corners. Slit
extended portion of detail strip lengthwise. Place the horizontal flap out onto
the footing and bend the vertical flap around the wall (See Diagram A). Repeat
this procedure in the opposite direction as shown in Diagram B.
from low to high point so all laps will shed water. Stagger end laps and overlap
all seams at least 2-1/2" (63.5mm). Apply a double-thickness of the MEL-ROL
Membrane over construction, control and expansion joints and over cracks greater
than 1/16" (1.59mm) wide.
VERTICAL WALL APPLICATION: Apply MEL-ROL Membrane vertically in lengths
approximately 8' (2.44m) long over the top of the horizontal Detail Strips at
the footing. Overlap all seams at least 2-1/2" (63.5mm). Tightly butt edges
of membrane and apply SEALTIGHT Pointing Mastic in corner applications (See
Diagram C).
To the top terminations, apply SEALTIGHT Pointing Mastic at least 1/8"
(3.18mm) thick and 1" (25.4mm) wide. As an option, SEALTIGHT Termination
Bars may be used to mechanically fasten the membrane. Masonry walls must be
parge-coated with an asphaltic foundation coating or a cementitious material
before applying MEL-ROL.
HAND-RUB AND ROLL PRESS: Once positioned, immediately hand-rub MEL-ROL Membrane
firmly to the surface and then pressure roll the complete surface to assure
positive adhesion.
INSIDE CORNERS: Before MEL-ROL is applied, place a
vertical SEALTIGHT Detail Strip on inside corners extending the material
4-1/2" (114.3mm) beyond each side of the corner (See Diagram D). Terminate
at the footing and finish the corner with SEALTIGHT Pointing Mastic.
OUTSIDE CORNERS: Bend a SEALTIGHT Detail Strip vertically over the outside
corner and extend 4-1/2" (114.3mm) beyond each side of the corner.
Terminate the material at the footing. Finish the corner with SEALTIGHT Pointing
Mastic (See Diagram C).
DRAINS AND PROTRUSIONS: All protrusions should be sealed with two layers of
Membrane applied at least 6" (152.4mm) in all directions. Seal all
terminations with SEALTIGHT Pointing Mastic. Around drains apply two layers of
MEL-ROL Membrane and put a bead of SEALTIGHT Pointing Mastic between the
membrane and clamping rings and at all terminations, drains and protrusions.
INSPECT AND REPAIR: A thorough inspection should be made before covering and all
necessary repairs made immediately. Tears and inadequate overlaps should be
covered with MEL-ROL Membrane. Slit fishmouths and patch. Seal edges of all
patches with SEALTIGHT Pointing Mastic. Where applicable, horizontal
applications can be flood-tested for 24 hours. All leaks should be marked and
repaired when membrane dries.
PROTECT THE MEMBRANE: On all vertical and horizontal installations with the
immediate application of SEALTIGHT Protection Course, if no drainage system is
used, or MEL-DRAIN DB. (Refer to Catalog Sheet No. 712 and Product Data No.
719-PD for application instructions.) Use SEALTIGHT Pointing Mastic as an
adhesive. Backfilling should be done immediately using care and caution to avoid
damaging the waterproofing application.
SEALTIGHT MEL-PRIME WATER-BASE PRIMER: Prepares concrete surfaces for
MEL-ROL Membrane application. Arrives ready-to-use. Requires no additional
mixing. MEL-PRIME emits no unpleasant odors and works with all SEALTIGHT
Waterproofing Membranes. Applied easily with manual sprayer or roller.
VOC-compliant. MEL-PRIME is for use at temperatures of 40ºF (4ºC) and up.
Coverage: 250 to 350 ft²/gal. (6.14 to 8.59m²/liter)
Packaging: 1 gallon (3.79 liter) units, 4 units per carton and 5 gallon (18.93
liter) Pails
SEALTIGHT MEL-PRIME VOC-compliant solvent-base or standard solvent-base primers:
These primers are for use at temperatures of 25ºF(-4ºC) and above.
Coverage: 250-350 ft²/gal. (6.14 to 8.59m²/liter)
Packaging: 5 gallon (18.93 liter) Pails
SEALTIGHT LIQUID MEMBRANE: A two-component material used as a flashing, to form
fillets at corners and at protrusions. May be used as a substitute for the
SEALTIGHT Pointing Mastic.
Coverage: As a fillet, approximately 135 lineal feet/gallon (10.87 meters/liter)
Packaging: 1 gallon (3.79 liter) units, 4 units per carton.
SEALTIGHT POINTING MASTIC: Used for sealing top edge terminations on SEALTIGHT
Detail Strips and membrane.
Coverage: 1/8" x 1" x 200 ft./gal. (3.18mm x 25.4mm x 16.10ml)
Packaging: 5 gallon (18.93 liter) Pails or 29 oz. (857.65ml) cartridges, 12/ctn.
SEALTIGHT CATALYTIC BONDING ASPHALT: Easy-to-apply one-component material for
sealing around rebar.
Coverage: 5 gal./1,000 ft² (4.9m²L)
Packaging: 5 gallon (18.93 liter) Pails
SEALTIGHT DETAIL STRIP: Convenient, easy-to-use detail strips provide an
economical and effective method for sealing vertical and horizontal butt-joints
i.e. inside or outside corners and where walls and footings meet.
Packaging: 9" x 50' (.23 x 15.24m) roll, 4 rolls per carton.
PROTECTION COURSE: Use SEALTIGHT Protection Course for vertical and horizontal
applications. Adhere with the SEALTIGHT POINTING MASTIC.
Size: 4' x 8' (1.22 x 2.44m) panels (Refer to Protection Course Catalog No.
Provides 180 ft.² (17.88m²) per roll.
38.5" (.98m) wide x 60' (18.29m) long, one roll per carton
AREMA Specifications – Chapter 29, Waterproofing
Read and follow application information
and precautions. Refer to Material Safety Sheet for complete Health and Safety
Information. Avoid the use of products which contain tars, solvents, pitches,
polysulfide polymers, or PVC materials that may come into contact with MEL-ROL.
Maintain Energy Efficiency
SEALTIGHT Products aid in the integrity of other structural systems
such as insulation. Because wet insulating materials lose much of their R factor
performance characteristics, this reduces the energy efficiency of the
structure. SEALTIGHT Products applied for thermal and moisture protection help
prevent moisture or vapor penetration into the other systems. These products
play a key role in maintaining the structure's energy efficiency.
This material last updated November, 2000.

W. R. MEADOWS, INC. warrants that, at the time and place
we make shipment, our materials will be of good quality and will conform with
our published specifications in force on the date of acceptance of the order.
exclusive remedy for breach of this Warranty, we will replace defective
materials, provided, however, that the buyer examine the materials when received
and promptly notify us in writing of any defect before the materials are used or
incorporated into a structure. Three (3) months after W. R. MEADOWS, INC. has
shipped the materials, all our Warranty and other duties with respect to the
quality of the materials delivered shall conclusively be presumed to have been
satisfied, all liability therefore terminates, and no action for breach of any
such duties may thereafter be commenced. W. R. MEADOWS, INC. shall in no event
be liable for consequential damages. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, no
warranty is made with respect to materials not manufactured by W. R. MEADOWS,
INC. We cannot warranty or in any way guarantee any particular method of use or
application of the performance of materials under any particular condition.
Neither this Warranty nor our liability may be extended or amended by our
salesmen, distributors or representatives, or by our distributor's
representatives, or by any sales information or drawings.